All age groups get breaks in the mini soccer fixture calendar during school holidays, including half terms.
U7 to U10 Age groups
U7, U8, U9 and U10 play a double header fixture, with each club fielding two mini soccer teams. U7 and U8 do not play every weekend.
Nine a Side fixture calendar
U11 and U12 age groups – each club plays with one nine-a-side team. Fixtures are arranged for each week. Competitive games are played starting just before Christmas.
Sometimes some of our divisions have an odd number of teams playing. This means that each week one of the teams doesn’t have a game. We call it a “bye” when there is no opposition team to play. Sometimes Byes can be filled at a couple of weeks notice when the division suddenly has an even number of teams. We post notices on this website to say a team has left or a new team is joining the division.